Ever imagined yourself wandering through nature; picking your flowers straight from the beautiful fields you are walking in? Be careful with that! Not all flowers are edible and not all edible flowers taste good. Here, we will discuss where to get edible flowers that are safe and delicious.

Where to get edible flowers

We know how it goes: you’re out on a walk. You come across a plant you just can’t wait to bite into. But you are probably clueless about whether or not you can eat it. Many plants look alike. There’s a bunch of apps that help identify plants (and the accurate names can help you identify if they are safe to eat). Hortibiz has identified the 9 best plant identifying apps for 2020. Be mindful about where you pluck your flowers. Chances are higher that your flowers are treated with pesticides if you pick them, for example, from the side of the road.

If you do not have enough knowledge or confidence in your foraging skills, it is better to purchase your culinary petals at a store. If this is the route you choose, always double check the source. The industry isn’t fully adapted yet to the demand for flowers in an edible context. As a result, producers often treat these edible beauties with a lot of chemicals, pesticides, herbicides etc. The regulations aren’t fully in place until now. Organic farms or specialised companies that focus on the delivery of edible flowers to customers are the safer choices. If you want to be fully sure, you can grow them yourself. The biggest piece of advice here is to always wash your flowers thoroughly before eating them.

Written by Elise Coudré and edited by Jashan Sippy

We work with edible flowers regularly for our partner events and experiences. We’ve also started growing our own!

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