
Choux pastry is the perfect medium for telling stories. During the baking process, pâte-à-choux triples in volume. Each individual pastry is unique and takes on its own identity. It is only guided toward its final form during the piping process. The rigid exterior crust encapsulates a series of soft, organic ‘spaces’. Each space within the volume lends itself to the intended story. A series of levels, rooms and transitory spaces lead to endless inspiration for creative storytelling; using three-dimensional forms. The Storytelling through Choux experience is great for breaking the creative block; by drawing inspiration from delicious, unexpected places.

Storytelling through Choux

During the workshop, we show participants how choux pastry is made. A careful combination of art and science, we focus on the process. Participants draw inspiration from visual prompts; or multisensory cues from actual choux pastry. They come up with storylines based on personal experiences. Moving on to develop their stories around the setting of choux, participants fill their pastries with suitable ‘fillings’. Diving deep into the realm of their imagination, participants create an array of original creative pieces. These pieces include descriptive stories, poetry, architecture or innovative whimsical products. Participants think of the narrative, title, flavour profiles, textures and details that give their choux story life. We explore architectural volumes of different scales, ranging from single rooms to entire structures and even cities inspired by pastry. Sharing stories and devouring delicious pastries, participants are satisfied, belly and mind.

We work with design and hospitality schools, budding designers and entrepreneurs and facilitate interactive sessions globally. Let’s grab a (virtual) cup of coffee and explore how we can work with you. Contact us.