Grandma’s Mango Chutney
You know how there's some things you see and they immediately remind you of somebody [...]
Annu’s Mawa Cake
You know how when you're out somewhere and you smile at a stranger sometimes? And [...]
3D Food Printing for Rapid Prototyping
Rapid prototyping and rapid tooling are essential tools used for mass customisation manufacturing. The prototype [...]
3D Food Printing for Qualitative Research
3D printed food can be used as an engaging [...]
3D Food Printing for Dysphagia
Jashan Sippy, founder and creative director of Sugar and Space was invited to speak and [...]
3D Food Printing for Raising Awareness
Novel 3D Food Printing technology can be used as a tool to raise awareness around [...]
3D printing food for restaurants and food businesses
No, your eyes and brain are not deceiving you. Yes, you read that right - [...]
3D printing food waste
Jashan Sippy and the team at Sugar and Space developed a range of 3D [...]