Simran and I have practically grown up together. We live in the same apartment building in Mumbai, and though we’ve lived on different continents, VK’s food always brings us together. His paneer and potato frankies and pesto pizzas are some of my favourite staples. This story is dedicated to VK, her home cook, a special family relationship that many of us could relate to.

‘Food, the Feeling of Home’: A series of stories exploring nostalgia, the power of food, our memories and stories of ‘home’.

I hear “family lunch” or “oh, such a satisfying meal” and am immediately transported to VK’s kitchen. Yes, VK (Vinod Kaka) our home cook. VK joined our family 22 years ago, around the time I was born, and unknowingly became an integral part of my life. He started off simply, as the home cook but has become family. “Ghar Ka Khana” (home cooked food) isn’t just home-food for me anymore – it’s VK’s food. It’s this warm, fuzzy feeling that creates a wave of emotions, which for any passionate eater (me) is the go-to when life gets tricky. There’s a comforting sense of escape to it – one that’s irreplaceable. 

Looking Back

This story began when I was much younger and would happily spend time with VK, disregarding my parents and grandparents. I sat underneath the kitchen cabinets every morning. He enthusiastically entertained my childish stubbornness, and religiously fed me spoons of honey loops. Each bite carefully consisted of only a single cheerio and a raisin through the loop. He gave me special kitchen privileges for a second dinner – just for him and me – that we shared each night. I would unabashedly bring the roof down if I didn’t get an invite – I even cut some of his hair once while he was asleep in retaliation (baby-me was quite feisty). Yet, his love for me only grew and I am eternally grateful for it. 

His food – not special only to me – brings our family together every evening. Our friends and relatives too! His food is almost reminiscent of the countless memories – a big bear hug of the special moments we’ve had together. And what makes it more special is the joy and fulfilment our happiness gives him. Our relationship has only strengthened over the years, and he might not be my mom or my dad but him, his food, and his love for me, has somehow turned into an undeniable bond. I can safely say, I would not be the same person I am without him. I truly believe that its all the little things that matter. Our silly games like “Guess what’s for dinner?” where I have to sniff out the menu for the night from the living room have become my normal and I wouldn’t trade VK for the world. 

Looking Ahead

There’s a never-ending rivalry between my siblings and me about who Vinod Kaka loves the most. When he jokes about how he wants to be part of my wedding trousseau so he can stay on to raise my kids, I’ve never felt gladder. Knowing that he values me as much as I value him makes our relationship more meaningful, and I really hope this is something we can cherish for as long as possible.

Written by Simran Sethia and edited by Jashan Sippy.

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