Ruchita is a product designer from India currently based in France. Eager to apply her knowledge of design thinking to thr world of food, she reached out to us a few months ago. We quickly found our groove and continue to work on innovative projects connecting food and design together. It’s funny how the absence of food through fasting can be a reminder of home, contradictory to how we’ve experienced nostalgia through the rest of our series Food, the Feeling of Home

I have been living away from home for more than 4 years now; and away from India for over 2 years. As time passes by, I feel increasingly disconnected from my roots, culture and the traditions that I grew up with. At the moment, I am based in France. I belong to the Jain community; and as I call myself one, I believe in all the preachings (although I haven’t completely adapted to the ideal expected lifestyle).

Looking Back

I have been exposed to the Jain teachings of what is right and what is wrong; and have been given the freedom to decide how to adopt these teachings for myself. I am vegetarian and I am proud to call myself one. Whenever I eat out, I have to choose from the limited options on the menu. I have friends who mock me and I hear a lot about how I have been missing out on REAL food (meat). These instances often take me back home. They remind me of the lifestyle we follow at home. Through the year there is only one (8 day long) Jain festival called Paryushan. The 8th day is the most important one, the most auspicious day of the year. During Paryushan, most of us practice intermittent fasting. On the last (8th) day, we do not eat anything for 36 hours straight.

Looking Ahead

I’ve been in France during this period and I fasted again this year. This is second nature to me, I have seen everyone fast at home on this day ever since I was born. That feeling of having an empty stomach reminded me of my family who was going through the same feeling at that same moment. It somehow made me feel connected to my roots. So, in my case food wasn’t something that reminded me of home, but the absence of it took me there. 

Written by Ruchita Khinvasara and edited by  Jashan Sippy.

Food, the Feeling of Home’: A series of stories exploring nostalgia, the power of food, our memories and stories of ‘home’. Want to share your story? Send it to us at