Novel 3D Food Printing technology can be used as a tool to raise awareness around critical subjects related to food (service) businesses and agrifood systems. Our signature Nectar project has travelled across the world and across industries since 2019 raising awareness around the critical role of bees in pollination.


Including sustainability considerations to build powerful narratives around 3D printed dining experiences


“Nectar” brings to peoples’ attention the current situation of the declining pollinator population, adulteration in honey supply and the importance of bees in pollination.

The Eating Experience

Guests are served “Nectar Shots” – diluted multiflora honey in tiny bottles, served with long paper straws. This disproportionate straw-bottle ratio represents the tongue of the bees, 3x longer than their bodies as they suck nectar out of the flowers during pollination.

The host plates the dessert live in front of guests, who witness this edible artwork come to life. Once prepared, the hands of the guests take on the role of the bees, “pollinating” as they reach across all the different elements to customize their eating experience and build their own mouthfuls.

In this case, the novelty and drama of 3D food printing is used as an educational and entertaining social experience for eaters to learn about critical environmental issues. We have hosted β€œNectar” for public, private and corporate events including design and art festivals across India, Europe and the US, and have delivered the boxes across Mumbai, India.